Event Calendars

Nantwich Film Club public events

Nantwich Film Club committee events

Nantwich Film Club combined events (merge of the two calendars above)

Nantwich town entertainment events (not just the film club)


Riddell Graham

Why do you not put a simple page with a programme of events. Why have something you have to open— and in my case, I cannot open it and do not wish to download it because I dont know what to do with it if I do. Just put a simple programme…for…please.


The events are posted in the right hand column of each page of the website. My apologies for failing to update it with the latest information this month. This is now done.
This page is intended for people to subscribe to an icalendar feed that will be imported into their desktop or phone calendars. It is provided as an additional service so that people do not need to remember to check the website. It is intended for instructions to be added to this page but as a volunteer group these updates depend upon available time.
The events are also listed every month on our Facebook and Google+ pages as well as announcements on our twitter feed. Back in the physical realm our posters and programs are available at many locations including the library and civic hall. Our programme, it should be noted, is only updated quarterly, not on a rolling monthly basis so there may only be one event listed or up to four at any one time.
The website is in need of an overhaul to make these things clearer and it is on the to-do list.

steve holman

Thank you for bringing films, cinema, back into Nantwich.
I note your efforts and contribution to the town.
Thank you again.

eddie george

Hi, The Friends of the Nantwich Signal Box Ltd. are attempting to re-use the signal box as a projection box for an outdoor cinema based of the Car Park at the Back of the Methodist Church. We think this project may be of value to your activities.
Can you contact me please? Rgds eddie George


I’ve passed the information over to the committee chairman. He’ll likely be in touch.


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